Beauty Treatments

Sharon Clarke Emerald Beauty Treatments

Sharon Clarke

Emerald Treatments

Sharon loves having the opportunity to work alongside people in the community who have made a conscious decision to prioritise their health and well-being.

For the past 18 years Sharon has helped people take the steps to recognise what is causing their “dis-ease” by opening up healing pathways using meditation, Spiritual Massage and Emerald Treatments.

These unique treatments utilize Emerald-infused “programmed” oils and creams to help remove deep blockages within the body. This allows the body to heal as energy can flow more freely with the organs, tissues and cells responding naturally to the healing process.

Working with people in Hobart, Melbourne and overseas at clinics, workshops and retreats, Sharon has witnessed the healing journey of thousands of people.

“It is both humbling and profoundly exciting to see the transformation of body, mind and spirit that comes as a result of these treatments”

Feel and experience the beauty of Emerald Treatments and realise how the function of your skin improves with each treatment as you “re-learn” how to relax completely allowing peace, calmness, lightness and happiness to become the new norm in daily life.

Phone 0437 396 014 to learn more, or book online below: